Consultation Meeting Held by MSCPCR and MHIP on Child Protection Issues

Aizawl, 12 Sept (Zoram News):  A consultation meeting was held today at 1:00 PM, organized by the Mizoram State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MSCPCR) and Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP), General Headquarters, Aizawl. The meeting took place at the SAMETI Committee Hall, Directorate of Agriculture, Tuikual South, Aizawl.

The meeting was chaired by Pu Jimmy Laltlanmawia, Chairperson of the MSCPCR, while Pi Lalengvari, MSS, Secretary of MSCPCR, provided an introduction, highlighting the commission's mission, activities, and future plans. This was followed by a discussion session.

Pi Lalliani, General Secretary of MHIP, presented an overview, and Pi Khawlrinpuii, Executive Committee Member of MHIP, shared a report for review.

Pi Priscilla Lallawmsangi, Legal Officer of MSCPCR, conducted a session on the Domestic Workers Welfare and Social Security Act, 2010 and the issue of Illegal Female Migrant Workers in Mizoram. She emphasized the need for greater public awareness of these laws, advocating for increased use of TV, radio, and social media to educate the masses. Particular concern was raised regarding the growing number of child laborers accompanying women workers in Aizawl, often seen skipping school to assist their mothers. The meeting stressed the importance of enforcing child labor laws to protect the rights and welfare of children.

In his remarks, MSCPCR Chairperson Pu Jimmy Laltlanmawia discussed the need for creches in marketplaces across Mizoram, especially in Aizawl, to provide a safe environment for children of working mothers. He noted the commission's commitment to promoting the establishment of such facilities and called on MHIP leaders to collaborate on this initiative. He also highlighted various child protection issues, emphasizing the need for continued cooperation between MSCPCR and MHIP to safeguard children's rights and well-being.

The meeting concluded with closing remarks from Pu R. Lal\anpuia, a member of MSCPCR, who expressed gratitude to all participants for their contributions.

Representatives from MHIP General Headquarters in attendance included Pi Ngurmawii Sailo, President; Pi Lalliani, General Secretary; Pi P.C. Chuaudingliani, Finance Secretary; Pi F. Lalramliani, Assistant Finance Secretary; Pi Khawlrinpuii, Executive Member; and Pi Lalmuankimi, Executive Member.

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